Phoenix BRT is checking in again!
Building Better Transit Together: A look at what’s next!
Phoenix BRT Program Team
Hello Phoenix! Phoenix BRT is ramping up and moving forward! Planning for the first section on 35th Avenue is underway.
In case we haven’t connected with you recently, let's recap, shall we? We’ve connected with you through three rounds of public outreach to ensure your voices and insights are at the heart of our BRT planning. With your input, 35th Avenue and Van Buren Street Corridor was selected as the preferred corridor for BRT. Let’s look at what’s ahead!
Next Steps: Collaboration on Potential Options
As we look to spring 2025, we’re excited to kick off another round of community engagement. This will focus on gathering input and providing education on the two options for how BRT fits into the roadway on 35th Avenue. We’ll be holding workshops for community members and businesses, hosting online sessions, popping up at events around town, and canvassing to reach as many people as possible.
We hope you’ll join us in sharing your thoughts. Together, we can shape the preferred BRT alternative and begin the design phase of Phoenix’s first BRT system by summer 2025.
Stay tuned for more details on how to participate and sign up to receive our new text updates – we look forward to hearing from you!