Phoenix Bus Rapid Transit Program

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Phoenix Bus Rapid Transit Blog

Where We’ve Been…

Take a closer look at the progress of our program since 2019!

Where We've Been

Where We've Been

In 2019, the Phoenix BRT team reevaluated the BRT corridors originally outlined in the T2050 plan, as tasked by the Citizens Transportation Commission (CTC) and City Council. Following the technical analysis, the team completed nearly 11 months of community outreach to solicit input on six potential BRT corridors. Based on community input and the results of the technical analysis, the 35th Avenue/Van Buren Street corridor was approved by City Council to move forward into the next phase of development and analysis: detailed corridor planning.

In October 2021, Phoenix City Council unanimously approved the initial Bus Rapid Transit corridor of 35th Avenue and Van Buren Street.

In April 2022, Phoenix City Council approved the Phoenix BRT Program to continue community, business, and stakeholder engagement, alternatives analysis, and 15 percent design plans for the initial BRT corridor of 35th Avenue and Van Buren Street.

Where We've Been

What's Next

The implementation of the 35th Avenue/Van Buren Street corridor will be phased to allow for other correlating projects to align in schedule, design, and operational goals. In the near term, the 35th Avenue corridor will move forward with finalizing the preferred alignment option and advance the 15% design effort. The Van Buren Street BRT alignment will be designed once BRT and light rail plans achieve common alignment options for the future 10West light rail extension.

Picture of 35th Avenue BRT Map

In Spring 2025, engagement efforts will focus on two alignment options, a fully dedicated center-running corridor, and a fully dedicated side-running corridor. Public outreach will be conducted to incorporate public input on these options along 35th Avenue.

Where We've Been

You Asked, We Answered...

Check out what you told us is most important about BRT in Phoenix by clicking on the speech bubble icons below.

Quotes from the community
  • Transit frequency is key to improving transit service and use
  • Safety and security are essential
  • Pedestrian access to stations is critical
  • Prioritize public transit
  • Implement dedicated lanes
  • Expand connections
  • Overall support for bus rapid transit