How We'll Get There...
Follow the road to success and learn more about what it takes to implement the first BRT system in Phoenix
How We'll Get There
Moving Forward
Now that we are in the process of selecting a lane option based on public input to then move into 15% design for 35th Avenue, what are our next steps? Where do we go from here? Follow our roadmap below to learn more about our process and each step along the way that gets us closer to our first bus rapid transit system for the Phoenix community!
Road to Success
Transit Analysis
- Corridor identification
- Community collaboration and education
Detailed Corridor Planning
- Corridor alignment planning
- Station area and design
- BRT element definition
- Funding
Conceptual Design Plans
(we are here)
- Community collaboration and education
- Preliminary Right-of-Way (ROW) plans
- Corridor alignment
- Traffic analysis
- Survey and utilities
Preliminary/Final Design
- Corridor alignment refinement
- Station refinement and architecture
- ROW refinement
- Fare collection
- Bus design and amenities
- Community collaboration and education
- Station development
- Traffic signal updates
- Community collaboration and education
- Roadway enhancements
- Vehicle testing
- Community collaboration and education